play football

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play football

更新时间:2024-09-20 06:01:57

[plei ˈfutbɔ:l]

play football基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. 踢足球:例如教学<play>>时,我先给学生示范编排看书(study)、鼓掌(play)、踢足球(play football)、打排球(volleyball)等一系列动作,再让学生自己根据歌词自编动作,学生对此非常感兴趣,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,还有利于学生记住歌词,

2. play football

2. 踢球:乒乓球 ping-pong | 踢球 play football | 滑冰 skate

3. 玩足球:在商店里in the shop | 玩足球play football | 在学校at the school

4. 踢橄欖球:play soccer 踢足球 | play football 踢橄欖球 | play volleyball 排球

  • 临近词
He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play football on Saturday with me and my friends.(他原来竟是一位非常讨人喜欢的孩子,我问他是否周六想跟我及我的朋友一起踢足球。)
Why was Tony unhappy? Because his father didn't let him play football.(托尼为什么不高兴?因为他爸爸不让他踢足球。)
I only ever wear short sleeves to play football or golf - but they're polo shirts - not shirts.(我从来只在踢足球或打高尔夫时穿短袖——但它们是马球衫——不是衬衫。)
We were going to play football, but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise.(咱们原计划踢足球,但是气候太热,咱们就决定去干其它事变了。)
In my free time I play football because I love being a part of a team and working towards an objective with others.(有空时喜欢踢足球,因为我喜欢成为团队的一员,和其他人一起为一个共同的目标奋斗。)
In school in gym class they wouldn't let me play football. I mean the teacher and other kids.(在学校的体育课上,他们不让我踢足球,我指的是老师和其他孩子。)
The only thing I want to do is to play football alongside all these wonderful players.(我唯一想做的事情是和所有这些优秀的球员们一起踢球。)
I was too slow to play football, and my devastating curve and drop at 12 didn't come with any more break at 16.(我速度太慢以至于不能踢足球,而12岁时的致命弧线球和灌篮到了16岁却没有什么长进。)
Sometimes I visit my grandparents. I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.(有时候我看望我的爷爷奶奶。我经常踢足球。有时候我去远足。)
The doctor says I can start working out again soon and maybe play football like before in a few weeks.(医生说我很快就可以开始锻炼了,而且也许几个星期后就可以像以前那样踢足球了。)
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